Notre-Dame de Rouen
June 2014

The Modern Medieval Archive

Matt Gabriele


Since May 2007, and initially in direct response to the massacre that happened at Virginia Tech (where I tech), I’ve blogged at a site called “Modern Medieval” but the time’s come to archive my participation in that site. To that end, I offer here a curated list of links to some of the interesting/ important posts from my time at Modern Medieval.

The New Relevance of the Middle Ages at Virginia Tech

My reaction, as a medievalist, to the religious violence perpetrated at VT by the shooter, Seung-Hui Cho.

The Problematic Crusades

The need for historical contextualization and the fallacy of comparing jihad with crusade.

Tony, meet Chuck

The end of The Sopranos and the medieval origins of the “sleeping leader” myth.

Seung-Hui Cho and Religion (Take 2)

Further thoughts on the religious motivations for Cho’s actions, in response to the official report on the shootings.

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

Thoughts on “tolerance,” both medieval and modern.

Medieval Shrimp Factories

What we say when we say “medieval,” is that we’re better than that. The problem is that we aren’t, never have been, and never will be.

Living in the 11th Century, Still: Charlemagne, Crusades, and Doing Research

My address to the University of Delaware’s undergraduate research symposium on how research into the past helps you understand the present.

Witches, Warlocks, & Demons

The “medieval-izing” of Western culture is a problem, a willful myopia against religion in our midst.

A New World

Sometimes the straw does break the camel’s back. How things changed the day after the election of Barack Obama as President of the United States.

Revisiting the Crusades (With or Without a Degree)

The ways in which certain segments of the public tries to discredit academics, particularly by treating sources/ ideas as transparent and not needing interpretation & analysis.

Against Academic Journals

Unsustainable. We need new outlets.

Holy War in Iraq: The Rumsfeld Memos

Quotations from the Book of Daniel used by the Secretary of Defense in 2003, quotations from the Book of Daniel used by Pope Urban II in 1095.

“Mad Men” and Memory

Cultural reactions to the debut of AMC’s TV show “Mad Men” and the workings of nostalgia.

Ross Douthat thinks Islam is Evil

Douthat’s reaction to an encyclical issued by Pope Benedict XVI. Nonsense.

On Just War: Understanding Pres. Barack Obama’s Nobel Speech

Seeking peace but preparing for war has a long, rich tradition going back to St. Augustine.

Language and Violence: The Health Care “Debate”

Language has consequences. The incendiary rhetoric around the passing of the ACA made people do things.

The Birth & Death of a Legend

Pat Tillman, Charlemagne and the process of memorialization.

Rick Santorum’s Crusade: Nostalgia Medieval & Modern

The Crusades didn’t “get a bad rap.” Let’s be honest about the past and not use it to score cheap political points with bigots.



Matt Gabriele

Prof & Dept Chair. medieval/ modern. nostalgia/ apocalypse. Wrote THE BRIGHT AGES (Harper, Dec 21). Neutral Good. See more